Would someone please remove that horrid Fleetwood Mac song from my poor little brain? It was on a best of compilation that I put on my computer this weekend and for some odd reason I ended up playing it over and over last night.
I don't like this song. But I felt the need to play it because I'm kinda going to be missing it. Actually I do miss it. I turned Pickle on this morning to see how much of Fish's rantings the other day were truth and how much was fiction.
No more "Number 1 Mondays" or "Number 2 Tuesdays" (mostly these sounded like number 2's) or "Way back Wednesdays" or "Throw back Thursdays" or even "Free For All Fridays" (except for the request bit, which I no longer listen to)
I weep for him. (Even though I'd like to wallop him)
They've ruined The Real Dill Pickle Morning Show. I don't even want to listen because it's so awful now that he has so little to do with the programing.
Anything good that I heard on this station was played when he was on the air. When I say good that means music other than the same tried and true boring songs that you hear over and over.
I weep for all the really good music he used to play. I even weep for the bad stuff like Mac's Monday Morning and Ohio Express' Yummy Yummy Yummy that annoyed me but was fun to gripe about when it made it on the air.
And for ruining that...I will listen to Monday Morning a few more times in the honor of Fish and his morning show...that is now just 4 more hours of tired old music.
A moment of silence please...for my favorite morning show.
Musical Sunday
21 hours ago
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