I think I might have the finances straightened out for this month.
Big sigh
I'm not sure if I feel comfortable going to the concert on the 12th, but it's looking like I might be able to go now. Yay! I really want to see Susan Werner. It's funny. I want to see her because I love one song which she likely won't do in concert because it would make me unbelievably happy.
The song, you ask? St. Mary's Of Regret.
It's just gorgeous.
I love the line
"And I wonder why passion's always half impossibility."
I'm sure my nephew's not going to have as good at time at the show as I am, but I feel the need to broaden his musical horizons.
So yay for things working out. I shouldn't be too happy about that, because when I get too confident bad things happen, like automobiles exploding or animals or people getting sick, but for now things aren't as bleak as I thought they were.
Musical Sunday
21 hours ago
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