Light At The End Of The World is out on Tuesday, so I should have this one by Wednesday! Squee!
I'm also getting the On The Road To Nashville CD, because I still like to have all the Erasure CDs though I'm missing a few of the UK CD singles these days.

~ I did absolutely nothing this weekend worth mentioning. My car needs gas and my wallet is rebelling against it. Bernie's far from being a guzzler but her 17 gallon tank usually costs me around $30 or more to fill up. I can't handle these prices. I also can't handle staying at home anymore. I haven't been anywhere since the first of the month!!!!
~ I did have a glass of one of my favorite beers this weekend. What beer is that?
Purple Haze! (Funny, I hate Jimi Hendrix...but this beer is quite nice) It's a raspberry wheat beer.

~ I did do one productive thing this weekend. I got most of my flowers in the garden.

To see more, just go to my flickr page
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