What is your favorite way to share music with your friends?
My favorite way is by the old tried and true mix CD, that way I can share more than one or two songs with friends. I've always said, you know you're a friend if I've offered to make a mix for you or you're on my Christmas CD card mailing list.
What song or album do you feel the need to share with anyone who will listen?
Grey Eye Glances - A Little Voodoo

Actually I try to force all Grey Eye Glances albums on anyone that will listen. They are truly a great band. They need to do a new album soon, very soon!
Do you ever lend your CDs/tapes/etc to friends or family?
NO! My CDs don't leave my house. I'll copy them for you, but never, ever, ever will they leave my four walls. I have an irrational fear that they may never come back or come back scratched to high heaven.
Did you ever discover a musical love because someone shared something with you? (mp3? Mix CD or tape)
It was through sharing that I discovered Dar Williams, Grey Eye Glances, Emm Gryner and Thea Gilmore to name but a few. Music sharing has broadened my horizons. So has LaLa.
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