I swear everyday this week has something going on so that I'll be driven totally mad by Friday.
Tonight is laundry day. Because of Mother's Day, I decided to put off doing my clothes and my grandmothers. Every laundry day I dream of just turning the offending dirty laundry into a bonfire. Less time consuming and you can roast marshmallows over them.
Tomorrow is the primary election. I need to stop to vote on the way home from work to vote for more idiots. In the last few weeks, I've heard enough about all the candidates running for our local government to know that I think there's not a whole brain cell between the lot of them.
Thursday is a holy day of obligation in the Catholic church, which means I got roped into reading at the 7 p.m. mass. How that happened I'll never know. Oh wait, I do know. I went grocery shopping and ran into the lady who does the scheduling and she has to power to make sure that you can't say no. Yikes.
One night once our temperatures regulate again, I'm going to have to start planting all the flowers that I bought over the weekend too.
And as always I want to make sure I get 4 days in at the gym, so I can build more damn muscle. GAH! It's odd, but I've got some definition in my abs right now. I'd rather see the scale going down than muscle appearing...but it seems that my body is comfortable at 135 so it's doing this to thwart me and make me miserable.
And to start it off, I don't feel good. I'm not "sick" mind you, I just don't feel good this morning. It's the perfect way to start a week that's going to run me to the ground before Friday afternoon.
This bitchy rant was brought to you by a girl that needs to run away from home very soon.
Musical Sunday
21 hours ago
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