Sometimes the gym can just be a horrid experience. Today was one of those days, however it did motivate me to stay there nearly 2 hours. YIKES! I must be insane.
Nope, not really, I just had my self esteem squashed as I walked in the door.
1. All the teenybopper teenage/college age girls decided today was a good day to work out.
2. The above mentioned girls all decided that low rise workout clothes revealing absolutely no belly fat and their f-ing pelvic bones must be worn, much to the chagrin of this normally build female.
3. I think I was the only female there weighing more than 115 pounds.
4. None of these girls seem to break a sweat while exercising.
5. All of them have a perfect tan. (even though I know they come from tanning beds that are more dangerous than the damn sun)
6. Every damn one of them has long blonde hair that falls perfectly in place.
7. Not a damn one of them has ever had a zit.
8. They probably never ate a damn cheeseburger either, though they all could use a few of them.
Rant ended....I'm going to starve myself now.
Musical Sunday
21 hours ago
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