~ I spoke to the people on my debt management program. There are going to be some changes there to in the coming months. By the end of the year it's possible that at least 3 of my bills will be gone forever. It's funny, as much as I want to do exciting things, I'd almost rather have the bills gone so that I could enjoy doing something with a clear conscience than the way I'm living now. (Does that make sense?)
Having less bills will certainly be a change.
~ I just got a package in the mail from Watty. She copied 10 CDs for me...and now I've got a change in what I listen to at night. Last night was Emm Gryner's Girl Versions

It's really odd to hear a girl and a piano doing songs like Crazy Train and Pour Some Sugar On Me. (Really Odd)
~ I put a pair of contact lenses in for the first time in years this weekend. I have enough lenses to last me through the rest of the year. I'm hoping I might be able to go back to wearing them more often when the financial situation clears up.
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