~ The parents 92' Escort is slowly dying. They have til the end of the month to find a new old clunker. I say old clunker because the parents are in no financial position to buy anything but. Which is the same financial boat I'm in too. I fear something happening to Bernie the Beretta, even though I hate that car. In a year or so I may be able to do something, but I don't think I'd ever feel comfortable enough with my finances to have a car payment.
~ Today is back to the gym day. I need to get a schedule going for the gym, because I can't go everyday. I can't afford it. Since my gym isn't in my town I have to drive about 10 minutes to get there, and considering I'm poor and I conserve gas as much as I can because it's almost $3 a gallon here...I don't want to waste a damn drop of it.
I need to go because I'm really hating my body right now. I don't know if the strength training I was doing while I was sick put muscle on and that's why the scale has gone up or what, but I'm not a happy camper right now. PAH!
~ Must stop at Eckerd's on the way home from the gym tonight. I need to buy some hair color. I don't know if I'm going to stick to my Black Cherry or if I'll go back to something natural. In a month or two I'm going to have my stylist do highlights or something amusing for the summer, since my hair is growing out of its super shortness again.
~ Oh and have I mentioned I love the new Erasure CD, Light At The End Of The World? It's their best disc in ages. It's very bouncy and perky and happy and that's how I like my music.
~ Speaking of music like that, I've been really loving jangly guitar music. Yeah...Tom Petty. I haven't had a Tom Petty spell in years, but that's about to change. Ah well, there are worse things I could be listening to, right?
Musical Sunday
20 hours ago
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