1. What music do you associate with vacations?
The Moody Blues are definitely one band that I associate with vacations as they were the reason I went on a few of them. If not for a few concerts I never would have gone to Atlantic City. For that I thank them. However I will never go to Atlantic City to see them again, because I want to enjoy my stay there without having to worry about a concert.
Cyndi Lauper's A Night To Remember is one particular album I remember from vacations past. I took the cassette with me as we drove across the state to Lancaster.

(click to buy at amazon)
This was always one of my favorite Cyndi Lauper albums too. I love the songs Insecurious and Like A Cat.
One year one of my favorite bands released a CD while I was on vacation. (Lancaster again) I bought the CD at a little shop in a mall along US RT 30 across from the HOJO's that we were staying at.
Who was the band? Cheap Trick!
What was the album? Busted
2. Are there any albums that you seem to listen to more in the summer than the other seasons? If so what are they?
There's no rhyme or reason for this, but somehow these seem to get played more during the warm months:
The Beatles - Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

The Beatles - Revolver

Roxette - Joyride

The Monkees - Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn & Jones LTD.

(click on the album covers to buy at amazon)
3. What music do you like to listen to when your sitting out in the sun catching the rays (or just relaxing in the outdoors)
If I'm reading I like relaxing, chill out tunes, The Moodies, Annie Haslam, Enya, Grey Eye Glances, but if I'm out and about walking on a nice walking path, I'll want perkier music like Roxette, Erasure or Duran Duran.
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