And now it's time for a bit of Monday fun. The first of the two Monday memes. So without further adieu, here goes the meme
1. What was the name of the last movie you watched (dvd, vhs, theatre, or tv)?
Oh geeze...I think you know, if you read yesterday's post. VAN HESLING! It's all about Dracula
2. What were you doing on the internet before coming here?
I was replying to a few comments made on my LiveJournal.
3. What color of pen do you usually write with?
I have an odd preference for black ink and I truly don't know why.
4. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Most likely it was my friend Mary, when she called to find out when to pick my sister and I up for the movie.
5. When is your birthday? (month and day)
July 2 (buy me prezzies..cos it's a milestone year and I need to ward off depression)
6. How organized is your computer desk?
It's not. It's a mess, and that's how I like it.
7. How many calendars do you have in your house?
I have a Moody Blues Calender up on my door and I think there's a religious calender from church downstairs somewhere. So there's at least two, but at the risk of getting hit with a lightning rod, mine is prettier.
8. Do you clip coupons and use them when doing your grocery shopping?
I clip restaurant coupons and beauty aid coupons, I don't grocery shop as I'm still living with the parental units.
9. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
I'm a night owl that's been forced to keep morning hours. It's kinda odd though, it's late now and I'm not sleepy. That's a first. The past few nights I've been dead tired by 11:30
10. Did you enjoy your weekend?
I saw Van Helsing again, of course I enjoyed my weekend.
Mmmm Dracula
6373 - Thursday trees - NSFW
53 minutes ago
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