It's Time To Hump Your Mind
The Wednesday Meme of choice, and now that I'm home from work...I can hump all I want!!
Brought to you by the wacky ladies at BDI! Go ahead, Hump! You know you want to!!
Wednesday Mind Hump - Week 18
First, a warm up. in celebration of the 1812 birthday of Edward Lear, the man who popularized the limerick, reveal seven things about yourself using the letters N-A-U-G-H-T-Y. One word a hundred words, it doesn't matter - just hump it, baby!
There's nothing worse than an idle hump. Now that we're warmed up, let's get humping, shall we?
Never without music
Always the first to get a new CD
Usually quiet around strangers
Gregarious at times (or perhaps I wanted to use the word gregarious)
Totally out of my mind
Yesterday....all my troubles seem so far it looks as though they're here to stay
01. You are a character from a children fairy tale or nursery rhyme. Who are you and why?
Belle from Beauty and the beast. Cos I like the idea of finding beauty where others cannot. If you look at some of my concubines you'll see, I prefer Geeky men to the usual poster boys...with the exception of my Moody Men.
02. You are a magic potion. What is your main ingredient(s) and what are you used for?
I'm Deadly Nightshade. I'm going to put you to sleep for a long long while...just ask Sally from Nightmare before Christmas.
03. Tell us your favorite joke. It an be naughty but clean up the language, puhleeze.
A southern belle is sitting on the porch sipping mint juleps with a friend.
Her friend smiles and stretches out her arm, "See all that land down yonder, my daddy bought that for me."
The other southern belle sips her mint julep and replies "How nice."
Her friend goes on..."See the stables down yonder. I've got 40 Arabian horses in there. My daddy got them for me."
Again the other southern belle sipps her julep daintily and replies, "How Nice."
Again her freind goes on..."See that house up yonder on the hill. It has 13 bedrooms 8 bathrooms and a huge indoor swimming pool. My daddy had it built for me."
The other southern belle took another sip of her mint julep and replied, "How nice."
Her friend looked at her curiously, "Well, dahling, what did your daddy get for you?"
Too which she replied, "Finishing school."
"Finishing school? Whatever for?" her friend asked.
"It was to teach me to say How Nice when I really mean F@*# you!"
04. Imagine you're in the Old West. What town character would you be and what would your colorful nickname be? Example: School Marm - Old Widow Maples
I'm one of the dancers at the local saloon, and my favors don't come cheap. Just call me the Lovely Miss Andrea.
05. You are a mythological diety/god. What are you the god of? What offering(s) would worshippers lay at your feet? If one displeased you how would you smite them?
I am the goddess of music. If you wish to please me, you will bring me new music to listen to. You will burn me mix cds or purchase some lovely new album for me. If you incur my wrath. Whoa to you. You will be made to listen to wailing banshees, like Britney and Christina and Mariah etc for hours and hours!!
Musical Sunday
5 hours ago
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