It's about time the weekend finally got here! God it felt like the week just dragged on by! Last night was the only night that really flew by, of course that's because I actually went out. Well out to a movie. Mmmm, Secret Window, still good the second time around. Of course I don't think there is a Johnny Depp movie that isn't good for multiple viewings.
I love all Johnny Depp movies. (At least all of them that I've seen, and I've seen many)
The nice part of this movie trip was getting to Best Buy! Yay for Best Buy!! Yay for new cds! I bought a few Ringo Starr cds, Ringo-rama and his best of disc and George Harrison's Capitol best of disc and (you had better sit down for this) Diana Krall's The Girl In The Other Room.
It's against all I stand for to have bought this. After all, she's Krallomort, evil witch that is married to Elvis Costello.
I don't like her voice much either, but oddly, as I've said before, Costello's songwriting has done much for her in my eyes. I wish it could do something to make her look less like Miss Piggy.
Oh and more sad news, the Friday Five is no more. What the hell am I going to do now when I have no blogging ideas on Fridays?
~more grumbles~
But it is Friday, and even though I'm not doing anything over the weekend, (Can't afford it, if I want to get anything at the Bowie concert on the 17th) I'm happy. I'm going to relax this weekend, do some writing in Not My Slave and make some mix cds. (The Beatles Solo mix...I've been trying to do for weeks now)
So without further ado, a celebratory picture to start the weekend off with.
Oh and one more
Drool buckets anyone?
Poetry Sunday
3 hours ago