Another Self Revealing Meme
As if you don't know enough about me already, here's an meme I nabbed from Otto.
I am: the music whore
I think: too much about things that I have no control over
I know: that things very seldom get better, they only get worse.
I want: financial freedom.
I have: way too many bills.
I wish: Justin Hayward would take me away from all of this.
I hate: not having money to do the things I want to do.
I miss: Greta the Grand Am
I fear: being unemployed again.
I feel: very sleepy
I hear: Ringo Starr singing..a Christmas song. (it's the winamp with the sense of humor again)
I smell: fabric softener on my jammies
I crave: acceptance
I search: for the lost chord. No wait...the Moody Blues do that.
I wonder: if I'll ever get published.
I pretend: that things will go my way.
I regret: letting opportunities pass me by.
I love: music and the moody blues
I long: for something more.
I care: passionately about my family.
I always: worry about things.
I am not: a strong person.
I believe: I'm a good writer
I promise: only when I can deliver.
I dance: around my bedroom quite often.
I sing: out loud quite often and very off key
I cry: more then I'd like to.
I am not always: smart when it comes to money matters.
I fight: only when its important.
I write: everyday.
I try: to keep track of all my ideas for stories
I never: let my heart rule my head.
I confuse: fantasy with reality.
I listen: to music while I write
I can usually be found: at my computer
I hide: when I want to be left alone.
I am scared: right now.
I need: to go to bed.
I expect: to get my tickets for 1776 in a few days.
I should: be finishing this soon.
I still: love the Moody Blues.
I already: finished this meme, I thought it would take much longer.
Musical Sunday
5 hours ago
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