A "ME" Day
I'm declaring this lovely Sunday as a day for me. A day to pamper me. A day to relax and try to feel good about myself. I've found some books with exercises and perhaps I'll even go as far as to give myself a sloppy facial.
Scary thought isn't it?
All this because in two weeks, David Bowie is coming to Pittsburgh. No big deal really, but for once I want to look normal. OK, well that's impossible, but I'd like to look halfway normal, how about that? I know I'm not pretty, believe you me, I've been told that enough times, but it doesn't stop me from trying.
So I've decided to settle for passable. Hopefully I can handle that.
I'm going to only do things that make me happy today. I'm going to relax and read a cheesy regency romance. I'm going to listen to a mix cd I made yesterday. (for tracklist go here) I'm going to work at feeling better about myself.
The only actual things I need to do today require me going to Walmart and burning a few cds. Not much to worry about and the rest of the day is mine.
That's a wonderful thing. A whole day that is mine to waste as I choose. I'm good at wasting time. I mean really good at it.
So how am I going to start off the day? I'm going to do a little meme to help me feel better about myself.
Copy it onto your blog/Livejournal if you want, and write 10 things you really LIKE about yourself. They can be something physical, mental, anything. Just try to think of 10. Forget humility, what do you LIKE about yourself?
01. I'm a good writer.
02. I have great fashion sense.
03. I'm getting better at photography even though my camera is crap
04. I have a great memory
05. I'm smart. (really, I am...dammit why don't you believe me!)
06. I'm a getting to be a great bargain shopper.
07. I have a good sense of humor.
08. I'm open and honest.
09. I'm good at sharing things with family and friends (except my CDs...touch those and you may be killed)
10. I can do things easily on my own.
Ok...10 may confuse some of you. But I know so many people that don't like to have time to be by themselves. They have to be constantly doing something and with someone. I'm not like this. I like to have "me" time, just like today. Time where if I want I can go somewhere or just sit lazily around.
Mind you, I'm not big on going "out" by myself, that's when I prefer to be in the company of friends. But hey, that's what friends are for!
So there you have it 10 things I like about myself. Now I'm going to try to make myself look a bit more likeable. HA! If I succeed, you'll hear of snowballs in hell today.
Musical Sunday
5 hours ago
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