Pattie Boyd Harrison Clapton has an autobiography coming out in the UK in August. I must have it, however I know it's going to cause me great pain when it comes to reading it.
George Harrison was and always will be my favorite Beatle. I'm sure when I read this book all my illusions about the man I crushed on for most of my teenage years will be ruined. I've read some stuff about George already that made me sigh and wish I hadn't read it.
I hate when that happens.
I have a bad tendency of putting people up on pedestals and when they do something that makes me shake my head sadly, they tumble down.
So I'm hoping Pattie dishes more on Eric Clapton, a rock god that I truly can't stand, even though I've loved some of his music. Hell at one time I even crushed on Eric...and saw him in concert at the Civic Arena in Pittsburgh...but when Eric came down off the pedastal he crashed and burned. I have no respect for the man now. Everything I've read about him points to him being a world class sleaze bag and that ruins the music for me.
I don't want George to tumble like that. I can deal with him cheating at every turn. After all, in his position it would be damn hard not to be unfaithful, though knowing that he probably "did" just about any female that was still moving kinda makes me wonder. But hey...the 60's were about "Free Love." Damn it, I miss out on all the good stuff.
Because of these feelings alone, I should stay aways from Pattie's book, but I can't. Pattie's always intrigued me. I want to hear her story. I never thought she was incredibly beautiful, but she was cute with her bucktoothed grin, and she's an extremely talented photographer, which makes her my official idol.
I will shell out $40 for this book in August and I will try to read it with an open mind and pray that I don't have to pick up the pieces of my idol and that I can put it down without anger or disgust at George. Again...I can feel anger and disgust for Eric, because that's no different than the way I feel now.
I'm so glad there haven't been any books written about my Moody guys.
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