From this crazy lady @ Music Memoirs
I wish I would have bought what CD?
I wish I would have bought the 2 fanclub issue CDs from the Erasure Fanclub, but at the time I was short of cash and I let my fanclub membership lapse. These two discs now fetch a pretty penny on Ebay.
I wish I hadn't bought this CD?
Duran Duran's Thank You. I went out of my way and bought it on it's release day, because I was truly obsessed with them at the time. I still buy their stuff as soon as I can, but this album is a real stinker. Why they chose to murder other people's songs is beyond me, and murder them they did, with the exception of Perfect Day and perhaps their rendition of White Lines.
I wish I had gone to this concert?
Diana Krall played the Benedum Center when she toured for The Girl In The Other Room. There were tickets on the day of the show, but I like a fool didn't go. I will kick myself for this until I finally get to see Mr. Costello's missus.
I wish I hadn't gone to this concert?
The last tour Poison did that came through da 'Burgh. I liked Poison back in their hey day. I liked several bands...but seriously, I don't know why I agreed to going to this show. I went with a friend who loves Poison and all the bands that went along with them. Me....I prefer Def Leppard...if I'm feeling in a hair metal type mood. I hope I never get dragged to a show like that again.
I wish I had bought this piece of memorabilia?
I went to see The Devlins at Rosebud in the 90's. The Devlins are a wonderful Irish band that isn't nearly as well known as they should be. I have nothing as a reminder of that show, which only cost 5 bucks! Damn, I didn't even buy a damn t-shirt!
I wish I hadn't bought this piece of memorabilia?
When I went to my first Duran Duran show in 93' I bought every t-shirt they were selling. ARGH! I still have them and most are pretty pathetic looking because they didn't make girly shirts then. Thank god the concert t-shirt industry has wised up and started making the baby doll shirts for most bands. But lordy...all those shirts I have from other shows that I'll never wear because they are bulky and obnoxious!
Inconvenience Fees
4 hours ago
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