From the ladies @ Music Memoirs
Do you have any friends online or otherwise that you share similar musical tastes with?
I'm weird. I think most of my friends share the same musical taste as I do. I tend to gravitate towards people that like at least one or more of the bands that I do. It makes conversation easier. I also tend to gravitate towards DJs that work at stations that play music that I like. I tease them mercilessly and probably make their life a living hell, but it's all in the name of friendship etc.
Have you ever made a new friend because of a band that you both like?
90% of my online friends share the same musical interest. I think my "Fishy" friend falls into this category too. I bow to the DJ that like EC...The Beatles...and Tim Burton films...oh and gasp...Chess the Musical.
What's the best musical gift you were ever given by a friend and in return...what is the best musical gift (IYO) that you've given a friend.
Callie sent me a wonderful DVD called The Other Side of Red Rocks...which is a Moody Blues DVD. That made me happier than a clam. I also had an online friend send me a whole shoebox of Moody Blues photos. Again...this girl was happier than a clam.
If I was going for a family member, the best musical gift was given to me by my sister who bought tickets and paid for the hotel room when we went to our first Atlantic City Moody Blues concert.
The best musical gift I gave? I think it's my Christmas mix CDs that all my friends and family get from me each year. I work hard on those. My compilations are loved by many, damn it!
Pick one of your friends...and tell us a few songs that remind you of them...and tell us why you picked those songs.
I pick "Fish" just because Mr. DJ is the easiest and the funnest to pick on.
Ohio Express - Yummy Yummy Yummy (Played when feeling snarky or when he really wants to annoy one particular listener who gets this piece of poo stuck in her head as soon as she hears it)
Otis Redding - These Arms Of Mine (Random song the fishmeister likes)
Jimmy Buffett - Fins (For obvious reasons)
The Damned - Fish (A song that I wanted to put on a mix that I sent him, but was too afraid too)
The Moody Blues - Question & The Story In Your Eyes (Two Moodies songs he plays quite often, bless his cotton socks)
Inconvenience Fees
3 hours ago
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