OK...this is a fancy way of saying: Things that annoy the hell out of Andrea
1. The price of gasoline. I have a full tank now, but I have no money to go anywhere but work. Grrrrr!
2. Paul McCartney. Now don't get me wrong, I love Sir Paul, but defecting to the Starbucks label and just keeping the details of the new album so secret....well...PAH!
3. American Idol. PUHLEASE! Why must we create more one hit wonders? I almost with they hadn't voted Sanjaya off. Maybe if he would have won the show would go belly up and the networks would be forced to stop making this kind of crap show.
4. The music industry. For going after "eye candy" rather than real talent. Everything has to be streamlined and perfect and the hell with the music. And they will cry and whine that they are losing money, but the product they put out is garbage! GAH! It burns me up. I have many more gripes about these asshats, but this is my main gripe right now.
5. The 60 lb girls at the gym. Do people really find this attractive? I really don't see how being able to see someone's pelvic bone is attractive. I want to take these girls up to Wendy's and buy them a double cheeseburger with everything on it.
6. My car: Runs like a dream....looks like a rustbucket. Ok, it is a rustbucket and that's why it annoys me. Why can't it be a pretty old car that runs, huh?
7. Radio: The formats all kill me. It's all about exclusions. Even my beloved Pickle is guilty. They flipping play Kokomo and Sad Songs but won't play Your Wildest Dreams or Gemini Dream because they are the greatest hits of the 60's and 70's. Now we have a station called BOB FM...but I don't want to hear a bit of everything. I do like my classic rock/pop, but the definition of "Good Time Rock N' Roll" tends to be "Bubblegum" and very little else, so even though Tom Petty is in the 70's as is Elvis Costello...you don't ever here them...and David Bowie only when the morning DJ is feeling frisky or someone requests it. PAH!
8. My car CD player: I swear it eats my CDs for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I should make 2 copies of every mix CD I make because my car will make short work of them after about a week.
Enough gripes now. Is it Friday yet?
Inconvenience Fees
4 hours ago
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