When I go to bed, I have Oogie and her with me. I shut the door, because my dad wakes up at the asscrack of dawn and he doesn't often look at whats wandering about when he goes for the newspaper or when he lets the dogs out.
Well for the last few days, Bootsie has decided she wants to roam, but only at night when no one can see her. Like 4 in the morning, damn it! She walks the hallway upstairs, which she won't do when the sun is up. Hell, she even attempts to go down a few stairs.
If this were during the day, I wouldn't be so concerned, because there would be people to watch her, but at 4 in the morning she could end up anywhere in the house...and thus madness and mayhem would ensue when everyone was awake and looking for her.
It's daylight now and though she's still on the bed, her wanderings seem to have gone away. I have a feeling Bootsie doesn't like the idea of me sleeping very much. I wonder if she'll ever turn into a normal kitty, whatever that might be.
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