Today we're doing another episode of
Thirteen things I'd rather be doing right now
1. Sleep! Since the wild wacky Easter weekend of church...where I didn't catch up on my sleep...I've actually lost more sleep. I'm such a tired little girl.
2. Walk the boardwalk in Atlantic City and I don't even care if it's raining there.
3. Make some more mix CDs, because most of the ones I have in my car are dying.
4. Be curled up somewhere with a nice blanket and a book.
5. Shopping! I'm pretty sure there's something that I need to buy. OK, there are things I want to buy, namely a 30 GB Zen Vision.
6. Filling the Zen Micro...only this time getting a better distribution of music that I like. I left off Herman's Hermit's, Grey Eye Glances and Oingo Boingo. GASP! The horror.
7. Playing with my elusive Bootsie kitty. She's still the amazing hiding cat. My mother doesn't believe we have her..she thinks we have a "ghost" cat, because all you hear is her bell...but you never see her.
8. Exercising! I'd love to be able to spend more than an hour at the gym...but as I don't get to go until about 5 o'clock...and I need my sleep...and there are so many things I need to get done at home....ARGH!
9. Spa Day! A facial would be really nice right now. Why do they have to be so damn expensive though. I've priced them at The Mountaineer and the cost is out of this world, but one I wouldn't mind paying. (Anything to boost ye olde self esteem)
10. Play with the new camera I bought last month that hasn't been used yet, because I hate to make my other EasyShare feel unloved.
11. Update my CD-Tracker list. We're up to 1850, but I'm not done yet. Plus there are things on my computer that aren't on there as well.
12. Get my first quarter local taxes paid. Have I mention that local taxes are a boil on the backside of mankind, because they aren't required to be taken out of the paycheck?
13. Have a lambic beer or two or ten.
Inconvenience Fees
4 hours ago
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