10 songs that sum up your weekend...or were on your weekend playlist...and one picture that relates back. (oh, and if you feel like it, tell us why you picked the songs you did)
Paul McCartney - Ever Present Past
(This is Paulie's best single in years. It was supposed to be sent to radio Friday...but the station I had previously been listening to didn't get it, because ...erm...well...they suck. But I have it...so I'm happy)
The Beatles - You've Got To Hide Your Love Away
(This is one of my favorite songs from Help!)
Dexy's Midnight Runners - Come On Eileen
(The best one hit wonder of all time, that was on BOB FM 96.9 Saturday night)
The Scorpions - Rock You Like A Hurricane
(The song that followed Come On Eileen that made me turn off BOB FM...don't tell my sister)
Traveling Wilburys - Dirty World
(I was listening to the Vol. 1 today. I can't wait until June when I can get a new copy of this band's 2 albums)
Grey Eye Glances - Faces
(This is one of my favorite GEG songs. Have I mentioned I would love to see them live?)
Susan Werner - Heaven So Small
(I was listening to clips from her new album The Gospel Truth all the while hoping I can convince my nephew to come to her concert with me in May)
Tommy James & The Shondells - Sugar On Sunday
(Why can't Tommy play the Pittsburgh area? I would be made so very happy if he did.)
Nick Lowe - There Will Never Be Any Peace (Until God Sits At The Conference Table)
(I love Nick's lyrics. I can't wait for his new album!)
Tommy Roe: Dizzy
(Get this song out of my head now!!!)
And for the picture...the baby chicks at Round Hill Farm.

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