~ Why do people think that you'll meet people at church and why would I want to meet someone at church? I had a flirtation a few years back with someone from my church, lets just say it went as badly as my last flirtation. No more flirtations for me. I'd rather spend time with my pets.
~ When you are sick you feel more lonely and more sorry for yourself than at any other given time.
~ Why is it that the people that claim they want to be around honest people seem to be the biggest liars and tards out there?
~ I had a bizarre episode of flirtation at Barley and Hops last Friday. Every time this cute-ish geeky man came back to the lounge to go to the bathroom...he had to maneuver around my feet..which were clad in flip flops. He made a point of telling me that he didn't want to crush my tootsies. WTF? So weird yet cute. When we were leaving he teased that I should paint my toes a very bright shade so that they could be seen easily.
~ Every so often Danielle Steel writes a good book. And since I've been feeling like poop...I've been reading anything I can find.

A quick and easy read. Not as depressing as most of her books, though so farfetched that it's ridiculous. Still not a bad few hours of reading.
~ I've decided that I'm not aiming for love anymore...I want friendship and that's it. I want someone to talk to. I'm a fairly asexual being it seems. I don't give a crap about sex. I just want someone to talk to. That's my meds bringing out my insanity as you can tell. Oh and as Simon Le Bon said..."Where is my friend when I need you most"
~ I need my Nyquil now....before my brain comes up with any more weird thoughts
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