The cold has finally started to go away. On only 3 nights of Nyquil...and I had no pleasant Nyquil induced dreams from it. PAH! I did have at least one blissful uninterrupted night of sleep though. So that's good.
I even got an hour of exercise yesterday, so Yay.
I just wish my head would clear. It's not even the's just the cold talking. There are no coherent thoughts from me. Not that I ever have many coherent thoughts...It would however be nice not to feel like I'm walking through a cloud for a day or two.
This is how cloudy my days and nights have been. I've actually been falling asleep without my CD player on. Usually I pop a mix CD in the player and slowly drift off. The last 4 nights have been me hitting the pillow and within minutes I'm out. I don't even think it's the Nyquil that's putting me out like that, because I don't think it works that fast.
I just want to sleep and sleep....however I can't seem to drag my butt into bed until at least 10 and I end up waking up at 5:30 even on the Nyquil. I'm fighting a losing battle.
At least I'm feeling better, even though I'm walking through a fog. I may not even cough up a full lung today. Wow! Maybe I'll even be able to spend the extra half hour at the gym too. That would be so nice.
What would be really nice would be to have one day where I could sleep until about 9 o'clock. Not that it would ever happen, because even on the weekends I tend to be up by 7.
Inconvenience Fees
3 hours ago
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