~ John Lodge has the most unusual voice. Now we all know I've been listening to the Moody Blues for years and this has just dawned on me now, pretty weird, eh? Well I am the Queen of Weird. But seriously...while listening to the Natural Avenue CD this morning, I decided that of all the vocalists in The Moodies and other bands..John Lodge's voice was the most unusual. Not to say that it's not pleasing, because it is..but it's unusual, and it's often singing the most bizarre songs. (Because we all know that Lodgey writes some pretty....erm...uh...ODD lyrics. (Odd is the nicest word I can think to describe some of his songs)
~ I put a few Tom Petty CDs on my want list at La La and I'm getting a few already. All of the selections are his newer material. I lost interest in Tom when his drummer Stan Lynch left the band. What discs am I getting?

The Last DJ

Hmmm The Last DJ in my life left me with a bad feeling. Hope Tom's last DJ is a bit easier to take.
Into The Great Wide Open

And if someone could get You Don't Know How It Feels out of my damn head I would be most appreciative. The song is an earworm!
~ I fell asleep to a totally bizarre CD from my collection. I decided that I wanted to listen to The Devlins. It's been years since I pulled out this CD.

I think I'm in a jangly guitar music kind of mood right now.
~ I've decided I'm going to make another mix CD. This one is going to be the Pickle mix. Since I'm not listening anymore (for obvious reasons) I don't want to miss out on some of the songs that I'd hear there. So I'm going to gather them up on a CD and have it ready for those days when I want to torture my ears. (And yes...Yummy Yummy Yummy will close out the disc)
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