The plague is still lingering in the form of the stuffy nose and annoying cough. This thrills me not, let me tell you. I've never been sick as many times as I have this year.
To make matters worse, I've got the PMS crankies. Not a good thing. With those I get wanderlust and a very short fuse. I've been fighting with everyone I come in contact with.
I just want to leave and go somewhere...but the problem is I want to pay some bills too and I can't do both. So if I want to pay bills I have to stay home on my butt.
And have I mentioned, Mutchka has to go to the vet? The tooth fell out this weekend but the root is still in his gums so the little guy isn't eating right. He's a naturally skinny cat, but he looks horrid right now. And he's our kitty that will eat anything. Which is probably why he's lost that tooth. Kitty liked to steal donuts. I have a feeling kitty is going to be staying overnight at the vets today and my credit card is going to hate me for it.
All of this, combined with a few other things are making me into a bitch right now.
If only I could spread my wings and fly to somewhere where there was water and maybe pretty lights I know I could get over it.
The local animal farm just doesn't cut it. I want more, lots more. And I'm sick to death of waiting for it.
Inconvenience Fees
4 hours ago
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