When I was in high school, I had a huge crush on Tom Petty for a time. I'm not sure why, but I did. I had every one of his albums on casette tape, which is a great source of annoyance for me now.
Why, you ask?
Because I only replaced one or two of them on CD. I have The Best Of, Wildflowers, Long After Dark and the soundtrack to She's The One.
And lately I've been in the mood for Tom. I don't know if it's the release of the Traveling Wilbury's discs in June or discovering he covered Feel A Whole Lot Better, which I knew he did...because I had Full Moon Fever. I saw him on that tour at the A.J. Palumbo Center with my sister, her hubby and my boyfriend at the time.
All I know, is now I'm going to have start the whole business of replacing a vast majority of his discs, specifically Hard Promises which is my favorite album. The Waiting is one of my favorite classic Petty tunes.
I don't know where to start rebuilding that collection. And there's so many great CDs too, Southern Accents, Let Me Up I've Had Enough, Damn The Torpedos....ARGH!
It's times like this when I wish that music wasn't such a huge part of my life.
Oh and will someone please explain to me why this picture of Tom Petty is so damn sexy?
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