13 dorky things I've done to attract the attention of "The Fishy One." (Some even after I've learned that it will get me nowhere)
1. Did a 101 list of things to do with Fish. (Kept the list semi-clean which is highly unlike me)
2. Called him "sweetheart" when calling in for the Friday Free For all one week when requesting a rather bad song.
3. Sending him e-cards for any holiday and when he was feeling under the weather.
4. Called the station to yell at him when he talked about spending Valentine's Day on Eharmony.
5. Sent him a picture of me at about 13.....
6. Another Friday Free For All dork...told him to stick my phone number in his pocket when I gave it to him for the contest.
7. Posted the sign from Giant Eagle that had Herring for sale...and commented that for $3.99 I wouldn't mind having one of these

considering his name is Robert Herring. And then sent him a link to the post
8. Continuously posted this picture on the Hump Day Hunks posts....

knowing full well he stopped by the blog every now and then.
9. Took a picture of him at the Peter Noone concert because he was so darn cute.

10. Shared more personal information with him than I've done with people I've known much longer.
11. Did a Valentine's Day Striptease (don't worry I didn't really take off my clothes) for him via a Top 5 On Friday which he provided the topic....mind you...I probably would have had I had the opportunity.
12. Still email him on a fairly regular basis...because I like "The Fishy One"
13. Sent him two mix CDs as a "peace offering."
I am the lord goddess queen of the doralopes...pass my crown and robes please.
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