Ok, I'm full of rants today. Especially when blogger goes and changes on me, and suddenly becomes all nice and friendly. When did this happen? Why didn't they tell me this was going to happen. Is this really my pain in the butt blogger screen?
This has just about derailed my other rants.
So I'm going to try to sort out a few of the new things that were added miraculously overnight. Maybe I've died and gone to Blogdrive...or even over to my Art Of The Mix Blog.
Back to the regularly scheduled rant.
~ Zits: Hello world. I'm 30 years old. Puberty was supposed to end at least 10 years ago. Quite frankly I'm sick sick sick of this. Is it too much to ask that I have clear skin for one month...hell...one week...I'd take even one day out of a year...or even my life?
Yeah, I thought so.
This is wrong on so many levels. I don't want to be the Proactiv Solution poster child. Really, I don't!
~ The morning commute to Pittsburgh: Hell the whole damn trip to the city. Don't get me wrong, I like Pittsburgh. It's an easy city to get around. Once you get there! I understand rush hour traffic, but my start time isn't until 9, which puts me coming in at the very tail end of rush hour. I mean like the tippy tip of rush. If you can even call it that.
Now here's my gripe.
You enter Pittsburgh on route 51 in the district of Overbrook, with a happy sign that says Welcome to Fucksburgh...erm..sorry.. Welcome to Pittsburgh. (forgive my prosanity..no don't I meant it..and I say it every morning that I drive there)
From that point to the Liberty Tunnels is maybe 8 miles, probably less. Those 8 miles take about 20 minutes at about 8:30 in the morning. 20 MINUTES!!!
Then you get to the light at the Liberty Tunnels. Not bad, the wait is usually just one light. But then you actually get into the tunnels. Do I really have to spend 10-15 minutes under Mount Washington in my 1989 Chevy Beretta that likes to stall? Yes, I do. Fuqua!
So with all this you would think there would be loads of traffic on the other end of tunnel, right? Wrong! There's no flipping traffic once you get into the city proper! It takes me about 5 minutes from the Liberty Bridge to my job. ARGH! And its the same situation in reverse when I leave.
I'd like the stretch of 51 from the intersection of route 88 to the tunnels to just disappear. Let the designers and engineers figure something more intelligent out! I dare them!!
~ CDS that you can only buy on the web. I want Bernie Barlow's CD Golden. It's only available on her damn website! WTF! Why? Oh yeah, I forgot, buying things in a store, brings me joy. Therefore we cannot have that.
Bernie is the backup singer for the Moody Blues. The one that can sing. Sorry Norda, you can play flute with the best of em. You can play guitar, tamborine...whatever, but you cannot, and I do mean cannot sing!
Anyway, there are just some things that I'd really just like to find in stores, not that I'd ever be able to find her CD there. I should stress, you can't even find Golden on Amazon or CD Universe!
OK, I think I've covered all the things that have been making me cranky lately. Don't mind me, I'm sure its just a PMSy thing. So to ease my tension...
Ah....Deep breaths...Focus on the Moody Angels.
I'm better now.
6373 - Thursday trees - NSFW
11 hours ago
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