It's time to be crazy with the other Monday Meme, Monday Madness.
So here goes!
1. Do you prefer to be out in the sun or in the shade?
I'm a shady kinda person. Ok, maybe not quite the way that sounds, but lets just say, I'm currently paling myself.
2. Regarding the walls in your house, do you prefer neutral colors or bright colors?
Well, if I had a say (and I don't cos I live at home w/ parental units) I'd go for bright colors!
3. When hanging pictures on your walls, do you like things symmetric or asymmetric?
Well, it depends on the type of picture I'm hanging. Paintings should be symmetric, but posters and photos can be asymmetric.
4. How about where you'd like to live; country or city?
Let's try for a 1 horse town. That would be Charleroi.
5. Your blog; Blogger, Blogdrive, Blog-City, or another one altogether?
Blogger, but I have accounts and blogs at Art of The Mix, Blogdrive and LiveJournal. Don't ask why...really, you don't want to know. And yes I do blog at about 4 different places.
6. Email; Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail, or other?
All of the above, including other.
7. Air conditioning or just a fan when it's hot at night?
I'd love an air conditioner, but I'm stuck with a fan, and that's just fine with me most of the time.
8. Dinner; seafood or steak?
Steak! I abhor seafood. No one wants to be around me on Fridays during Lent. Just ask anyone in my family. Go ahead, ask Lady Starlight, she'll tell ya!
9. Your all-time favorite music media; CD's, cassette tapes, or vinyl (or 8-tracks?)
Vinyl was so much more fun! You got posters and tons of BIG pictures in the liner notes. Granted the sound is better on CDs, but the vinyl was special. Now everyone knows what an old woman I am.
10. When learning a new software program, do you find it easier to follow a book or an online tutorial?
Neither, I use the trial and error approach and teach it to myself. I'll use the help function if I'm lost.
Musical Sunday
5 hours ago
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