Finally, my image server is up and kicking, so I can share some more pictures from my day at Ohiopyle Park, in...erm Pennsylvania.
My friend and I pondered the name of this part for ages. Why? Well for one, it's not in Ohio and it's not on the Ohio river. So why the name? Enquiring minds want to know.
A few shots from the various overlooks. I'm doing them all in thumbnails so you can just right click on them to see the full shot. BTW, If you want to save these pictures, go right ahead. Use them as you see fit.
The falls at Ohiopyle State Park
Visiting Ohiopyle State Park
This is like an eye of water, that can be seen from the overlook by the falls.
An eye of water
The rapids at Ohiopyle State Park
There's also a walking path at the park. There are many of them in fact, this is a bridge that takes you onto one of the nicer trails.
The bridge over the Youghiogheny
About a half a mile from that bridge is yet another one, and much much higher. (High enough to make the music whore queasy) Here's one shot from the center of the bridge, before I ran screaming to the other side.
A view from the walking path.
Hope you enjoyed the pictures as much as I enjoyed the day!
6373 - Thursday trees - NSFW
11 hours ago
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