Pretty Pop for Persnickity People
Remember how I was talking about Bernie Barlow's CD? It's called Golden and it's only available at her website. I griped about that a week or so ago, but caved and ordered it anyway.
It came in the mail about 2 days ago. I was very anxious to hear it. There were clips at Bernie's site, of course, but 30 seconds doesn't always give you a good impression on a song.
Well, I have to say, it was worth the 17.50. Ms. Barlow is in that class of female vocalists that Sarah McLachlan was in before overexposure hit. She has a light voice, but not babyish. The songs on the CD are mature, sassy and fun.
The best track by far is Sexy, which is played on most of the pages of her website. If you hear it all the way through, I guarantee that it will be stuck in your head for days to come.
Bernie is a female vocalist that can sing and doesn't need the trappings of tartdom to catch the listeners attention. Her voice is enough, and in a world where the sluttier the singer the better, this is most definitely refreshing.
If you're looking for a new artist to listen to, you really can't go wrong here. After all, every so often, The Moody Men can pick a backing vocalist that can sing.
Ms Barlow is back behind the keyboards, if you aren't too distracted by the loveliness up front. Mmm Hayward.... Mmmm Lodgey.
6373 - Thursday trees - NSFW
11 hours ago
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