Sunday, January 01, 2006

Welcoming In 2006

2005 wasn't a bad year all in all, but I'm glad to see that it's gone. The turmoil of the last 3 months was enough to cast a shadow on all the wonderful things that happened in the other 9 months.

I'm not going to make any real resolutions for the coming year at least not in the traditional sense. Why make something that isn't going to be kept for more than a few weeks. Worse still why make a resolution that will bring misery into life? I have enough misery without a resolution adding to it.

I'm going to welcome this baby new year in with joy.

I'm going to enjoy what I have.

I'm going to see the beauty in the places that are close to me.

I'm going to start the new year with a song

ABBA - Happy New Year