Monday, January 23, 2006

Quiet Monday

There are too many things on my mind for me to be too entertaining today.

~ My dad's surgery is today. I've tried my best not to be worried about today. It hasn't worked. I thank everyone that have offered prayers and whatnot. They are always helpful.

~ I developed a tooth ache this weekend. Not good. I have neither the money nor the insurance for a dentist. Not to mention the fact that I haven't been to a dentist in years. (Because of this lack of insurance thing) I don't know how long I can hold off making an appointment, but I'm scared to death of going.

~ If things go the way I think they are at work today, I'm getting in the car and driving to New Jersey to see if anyone will hire me as a drink girl. OK, I'm being purely sarcastic, but my little world has the potential to crumble right now, and I'm not amused by this fact.

I just hope today goes by smoothly and that the rest of my week is calm. There shall be no mayhem today! I decree it and thus it should be so. Right? Anyone have some Advil please? Cos my tooth still isn't listening to this "No Mayhem" decree.