What would Hump Day be without the hunks. I decided that today, because I need extra Hump Day goodness, that I'll parade all of my hunks. Or rather, all of my musical hump day hunks.
Davy Jones, my first musical love. Hey, he's single and living in PA, maybe I should look him up!
George Harrison and Paul McCartney, my two favorite Beatles.
Elvis Costello, my favorite snarky geek. He gives the best hugs in the world. Damn Diana (Krallomort), for snatching him up.
Si-moan Lebon, my favorite fashionable and fashionably challenged hunk. In this picture, he's stylin'.
Cliff Richard: No man at 65 should look this good.
Pinky and the Brain! Erm Justin Hayward and John Lodge. I think John would be flattered that my nickname for him is Brain. Not too sure what Justin would think, and not to sure I even care.
Andy Bell, the why isn't he playing for my team hunk.
I think I've got almost all of them this week. You can't accuse me of not spreading the love around, right?
Cartoon Saturday
18 hours ago
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