Things Can Only Get Better
I'd like to believe that this is the case. I'd like to think that I'm blowing something small out of proportion, but no. The temp agency thing went really well. That's great, which means I may have a job sometime soon. I hope.
The bad thing is this. On the way home, my low coolant light came on.
OK, so I thought, the car needs antifreeze.
So I get home and my dad goes to get antifreeze.
Guess what?
Head gasket blew! heard me. The head gasket blew.
Where in the hell am I going to come up with the 600 + dollars to fix the car, when I'm just about out of unemployment and my job leads are slim to nil? Will someone please tell me that?
Why don't I just walk to the Monessen bridge and take a flying leap for myself?
My mom's told me to think more positively. Well right now, I don't see much positive. I see more bills, no work and no future.
I've tried praying, really I have, but I think that the Divine Being that listens to my pleas keeps sending me to voice mail. He's sure not listening or returning my calls. Most definitely frustrating. And there's nowhere to turn now. No one I can ask for help either.
So kindly forgive me for being gloomy and doomy. Cos right now I can't see any silver lining in the dark cloud that's hovering over my head.
So if you don't mind, I'll just be .
Cos I think I'm on the , and sadly the smiley has a life boat. I don't.
6373 - Thursday trees - NSFW
1 hour ago
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