I'll start off with the movies part of this post, since this is going to be a hodge podge of ideas and ramblings. I saw Secret Window. I'm sure you know the star of this film is Johnny Depp. I'm sure you all know that he's the main reason that I went to see this film. But did you know that it's actually quite good?
I know the reviews haven't been stellar, but as for suspense/thrillers, this one is quite tolerable. You might have guessed that this is not a film genre I usually venture out for, but again, Johnny Depp is in it. He doesn't disappoint either. I've seen him play so many roles and now I've added another type to that list, madman/murderer.
I don't want to give the plot away, so I won't go into that, but if you want to see a decent suspense film and you like Johnny Depp, you won't be disappointed. Really, you won't.
I'm trying to make a "Me" mix CD and I need some help. I don't want this to be random songs that are thrown on the disc, that I think represent me. Why? Because the disc is going to someone that doesn't really know me. So I thought if I had some suggestions for what makes up me, I might be able to go at this more effectively.
These were some of the suggestions tossed at me by Live Journal people.
Best Friend Song
Romantic Life Song
Theme Song
General Favorite Song
So as you can see, I need about 14 or 15 more ideas like that. Please help!
Now onto the Meme. I saw this one at Live Journal.
Top Ten Shaggable Fictional Characters
~just a note, I'm going to go for a few book characters, cos when you start tossing in TV and Movie Characters, well aren't you really just crushing on the actor that plays the part? Also, they are really in no particular order.
1. Lestat: The star of the Vampire Chronicles. Honestly, from the Interview with a Vampire, I knew I wouldn't mind if he bit my neck! He has attitude, class and style, and in most of the books he's not wussy. I abhor wussy vampires. You'd think they'd be happy with immortality, but no!! They want to become mortal again. PAH!
2. Tristan Hanover: For those of you that aren't familiar with Man Out of Time, the novel I'm working on, Tristan is one of my male characters. Actually he is the most important male character. He's tall, he's blonde, he's passionate and he's in a band. Tristan's a romantic at heart too. I love him to pieces and I'll miss him deeply once I write the ending.
3. Rue: Rue is the gypsy from Chocolat. Remember that before the film version, this was a book. And the character is quite enjoyable and likable. It's one of my favorite novels turned movies. Very little change was made and what was changed made the film better. Sure I see Johnny Depp every time I think of Rue, but that can't be helped.
4. Valmont: Another cross over from literary character to film. The whole premise of the 2 films, Dangerous Liasions and Valmont is about sex. So how could you not want to shag Valmont? Add the visual of John Malkovich and Colin Firth and well....THUD
5. Jeff Murdoch: Yup, here's my tv hunny. Totally off the wall, sad pathetic fellow, but so intensely likeable. I want to shag him, because no one else does. And you know what? That means more for me. So there! Neener Neener Neener! Oh and my Jeff Murdoch is the UK Jeff, not that poser that played him in the short lived US version.
6. Arnold J. Rimmer: The smeghead from the UK series, Red Dwarf. Such a bumbling fool and I always go for the underdog, so since he's been gagging for a shag since the series began, I'll help him out.
7. Erik: The Phantom of the Opera. I know he's ugly, but if you read the book by Gaston Leroux, you can't help but fall in love with him. A beautiful character. I'd do him.
8. Nick Knight: Another TV vampire. A wussy one, but with a strong mind and a very good heart. He's the lead on the series Forever Knight. His character is played by the ever so gorgeous Geriant Wyn Davies. He's another vampire who can just BITE ME!
9. Marius and Enjorlas from Les Miserables. I should probably let them go as nine and ten, but I won't since they are from the same book. Two very passionate characters and that's a trait I like in a man.
10. Rene and Sir Stephen from the Story of O. I don't think I should have to answer why. I think they speak for themselves.
Cartoon Saturday
10 hours ago