No, not really, it's just really early in the morning on Friday, and as I'm not ready to drift off to the land of nod, I thought I'd ramble a bit. Ramble I said, not rant.
~ MOOT aka Man Out of Time has hit 300 type-written pages. Won't discuss how long it's taken to do this, but it has.
~ If you stare at video captures of Duran Duran videos long enough, you'll want to watch them.
~ Lerner's spring catalog is full of 60's inspired fashion. So who's going to lend me the body and the cash?
~ Read somewhere, that Elvis Costello's considering not recording another album ever again. Can I smap the man upside the head. One should not end a stellar career on a "North" note, and definitely not to help a skanky wife, advance in hers. NO NO NO! Elvis if you're out there...NO! Don't make me hit you!
~ Justin Hayward, my darling dearest, number 1 manwhore/musician/concubine/beautiful thing seems to have tossed his proverbial wrench in the reissue process of two of his solo CDs; Songwriter and Night Flight. I guess they misspelled his name again. Mr. Heyward? or is it Haywood or possible Hayword? Poor Pookie, the stress Universal puts him through. C'mere darlin' let me rub your neck and shoulders and make it all better. He's probably sitting at home proofreading. I feel for him.
~ Back to Elvis Costello, the next 3 reissues come out in April. Squeee! Looks around for monetary donations. Only for some reason, Rhino has decided to hold off on King of America until the last round. Kicks Rhino. So the next set of reissues aren't very exciting, Almost Blue, Goodbye Cruel World and Kojak Variety. GAH! I wanted King of America! That's one of my favorite Costello CDs and one I recommend highly for anyone getting into his music. First one is Blood and Chocolate. If you don't have that one, go out and buy it NOW!!!!
~ I've not quite figured out how my musical obsession skipped a decade. I lurve the music of the 60's and 80's, but there's not much from the 70's that I like. Exceptions being Mr. Costello, The Damned and Bowie. But then again, most of the Moody Blues' catalog was released in the 70's. So hmmm, maybe I didn't
~ I need another theme for a mix. I also need to burn my own copies of the Life Mixed Up Mix and the Sad Mix. Why do I never make copies for myself?
~ Can I have one of these mommy? Please?
I think on that note it's definitely time for bed.
6373 - Thursday trees - NSFW
56 minutes ago