I had a wonderful meal at The Union Grill in Washington, PA, which is located directly behind WJPA's studios. How did I not know that? I worked a block away from there for several years during college. Oye! I'm foolish.
The only bad thing I can say about the place is it's pricey. A little too pricey for the type of food I can get at Red Dawg's or Meloni's. Still it was good, and since I wasn't paying, I'm not complaining.
The remake of Hairspray was awesome. There wasn't a bad moment in the movie. John Travolta, who is one of my least favorite actors, right above Tom Cruise, was fantastic. Queen Latifah was a true queen. Oh and Christopher Walken rocks my socks.
The music and costumes were perfect. I wanted to nab some of those early 60's dresses. They were so gorgeous.
Walked 5 miles at the walking path. Can I get a woot? Please?
My sister, the youngest nephew and I headed to "The Burgh" today to go to Phipps. Lordy was that a mistake. CMU aka the richy rich uni from hell, had something going on and Phipps was a madhouse of obnoxious soccer moms and no it alls. The flowers and the Chihuly glass exhibit were gorgeous...but the people ruined the experience.
However it was great to see that this was the same glass used to make those fantastic chandeliers at the Borgata in Atlantic City.
We ate dinner at Mad Mex in Oakland. One word, YUM! I had a Thai Curry Burrito with tofu. The burrito was full of rice and peanuts and pineapple and oh was it scrumptious. It was washed down by an ice cold Corona. Double yum.
We all took a ride on the carousel in Oakland and then got a pina colada bubble drink.
If the people hadn't been so obnoxious the day would have been perfect.
Pictures will follow in the next day or so.
Cartoon Saturday
16 hours ago
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