It took 33 years, but finally I had a relatively "stress free" birthday. Rejoice with me.
Here are some to follow when I'm not dead on my feet from my birthday activities.
~ Teased the DJ a bit...and was most obnoxious in reminding him what day it was.
~ Said Pickle DJ wished me a happy b-day on the air and teased me about something I did. I realize now that if I do ever run into Fish...a cat fight may ensue. I wonder which one of us would win?
~ Said Pickle DJ probably thinks I'm an attention whore...when really an email saying "Happy Birthday Andrea" would have made my day too. However he will never know that. Ah well.
~ Kennywood rocks on Mondays. The lines are short. The employees aren't as rude. All is good.
~ The new ride, Cosmic Chaos, kicks butt...or in my case gut. The ride holds you in at the stomach...I think I left mine there last night.
~ Riding the Pittsburgh Plunge when it's not quite 80 degrees, is not very smart. Riding it twice is just plain stupid. I'm officially stupid. However it was quite amusing to walk around the park like a drowned rat.
~ The Wave Swinger is still my favorite ride.
~ No one makes fries quite like the Potato Patch. They are best served drenched in gravy and cheese.
~ I got fireworks for my birthday!
~ I rode every coaster except Phantom's Revenge, which my stomach doesn't like much.
~ Heard my favorite Julia Fordham song at the park "Hope Prayer And Time." I did my best not to sing too loudly.
All in all, it was a fantastic day. I don't think I've had a b-day I've enjoyed as much.
Cartoon Saturday
16 hours ago
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