The first time I read about these sites, I was hesitant, but Valbee is doing it so I thought, what could it hurt? I need some extra money. Don't we all? So I figured why not sign up?
I can choose how much extra money I make. This could be vacation money or money for those bills that creep up on me without notice every month and make me frustrated. Who knows? The only way I'll find out is by giving it a shot, and that's what I'm doing.
Ah...extra CD money. That's enough to motivate me. Actually money for rental cars motivates me too. Money to pay off bills is another motivator. Can you tell money motivates me? I imagine you can. Plus it's money made through writing, and I love to write and research. So this could be a great opportunity for me.
If you think you might like to make some extra money too, there's a sign up link in this post and on the sidebar of this blog. Just give it a click and you can sign up too!
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