It's been a good weekend. Got some stuff done. Had some good food. Shopped a little.
~ Saturday
Yummy Mexican food for dinner from The Three Amigos in my little hamlet of Charleroi-On-Mon. Stuffed Pablano Peppers = Mouth on fire, but they are also tasty. So is the sweet corn bread. Oh and did I mention half price margaritas? Helluva good dinner.
I walked 5 miles at the walking path, doing my best to sort some issues out in my head. It didn't work, but hey, I walked 5 miles!
Did the laundry. Can I get a woot for that? I hate laundry.
Watched a fantastic comedian on of all places the Christian network. Paul Aldrich is a dang (cos it's a Christian comedian) funny guy. He's proof that I can laugh til I pee myself, even without the use of profanity or too much sexual innuendo. Seriously, this guy is worth checking out.
~ Sunday
Went to the Mart of Wal to stock up on the week's lunches. I am keeping Kraft and the South Beach Diet people in money, I swear. Bought one naughty thing. Saw pigs in pancakes in the frozen food aisle. I couldn't resist, damn it. I just couldn't.
Set off to Washington Crown Center, growled in a nice way at Fishy's general direction. Spent $34 I don't have on clothes that I don't have any place to wear. Can you say impulse buy?
Ate dinner at Red Robin. Oh how I love Red Robin. My sammich was the bruschetta chicken with parmesan garlic fries. My stomach was having orgasms, I kid you not. Oh and my drinky poo? Freckled lemonade. Bliss. (Oh that's strawberry lemonade, with huge chunks of strawberries) All in all, better than sex. Not that I'd know anything about sex.
Walked another 5 miles at the walking path. Still did not rid my head of the worries and other stuff that has been floating around that vast empty area inside my head.
Composed an "I'm a tard" email to the fishy one...I'm hoping he'll take pity on me and send a note back. Bets are on now that he won't. That's where my money is anyway.
Cartoon Saturday
16 hours ago
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