It's been awhile since I've done a post like this....
~ I remember a time when I could go into a mall and there would be at least 2 music stores and I would find stuff from my wish list there without special ordering them. Oh how I loved instant gratification.
~ BMG Music Club wasn't the only music club in existence, but it didn't matter because it had an awesome selection.
~ I used to drink Cocoa Loco's at Gloria Jean's Coffee without guilt! WTF was wrong with me?
~ I wasn't embarrassed to admit I liked a song or album at the top of the charts.
~ Going to the mall was a favorite past time. This didn't change for me until I started working at the mall. However even though I don't work their now, I'm not keen on the mall anymore. It also changed when my mom couldn't go shopping with me anymore.
~ I could stay up as long as I wanted and getting up the next morning wasn't an issue.
~ Po Folks was the best place to eat Sunday dinner.
~ 80's Night at Metropol! I miss Metropol! I didn't get to go clubbing enough in my boring youth.
Cartoon Saturday
16 hours ago
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