1. If dinner time gets any later I'm never going to be able to drag my butt to the gym this week. Must find alternate means of getting food. If I don't leave for the gym before 6 o'clock there's no way my butt is going. ARGH!
2. I'm the only human not affected by the Harry Potter madness. Erm they are just books people and movies, calm down and wait your turn.
3. The heatwave broke yesterday and I could finally sleep without a fan. That was a wonderful thing.
4. Kings has these fancy pancakes right now. I want them. If I can not have IHOP, someone take me to Kings for my chocolate chip pancakes. Then remind me why I'm always battling with the scale.
5. "At your journey's end you'll find a friend in me." Lovely words aren't they? There's at least one person I'd like to share them with, but since they don't care...Fuck em' No wait. They might like that.
6. I hate reading album reviews, especially on Amazon. I've found there's only one opinion that I value and that's mine. Sound clips are more helpful to me then someone else's arrogant opinion. Mind you that doesn't stop me from sharing my arrogant opinion, but I only do that on my blog.
7. Fucktard is my favorite word right now.
8. If you can't say it with love, say it with a cat macro!

9. Getting dressed in the morning is not a favorite thing of mine. I think we should be able to go to work in our PJs and fuzzy slippers.
10. Free concerts annoy me, especially when the one I want to see happens to be on the weekend I planned to be away from home. GRRRRRRR.
11. I never get any time to vegetate properly anymore. I miss vegging.
12. My car hates me. But the gas pumps hate me more.
13. We're supposed to go to Erie at the end of the month, assuming I can find a damn hotel room. So far this isn't looking good either. ARGH!
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