3 bags of VHS tapes...Gone! I haven't made much space, but stuff is gone. And that's a good thing right?
I also did some work downstairs clearing some stuff out. I found some postcards my mother bought when I was a wee girl...I'll be scanning them for Missing Mondays. I also found some kindergarten pictures of myself.
I was one ugly kid. OK, I'm still ugly, but that's beside the point.
I've still got to sort out what I'm doing with the VHS tapes. I need to get a whole kaboodle of CDs off my floor before some tragedy befalls them. And I couldn't survive if that happened.
After I finish that mess I need to start on the clothes again...and the books. Though the only way I'll get rid of books is if I've read them. I have enough reading material to see me to my dying day right now, sadly I don't know what to do with the cheesy novels and whatnot after I finish reading them.
Why can't tossing crap be easy?
Cartoon Saturday
16 hours ago
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