Just some random thoughts that have crossed my mind in the last 24 hours.
~ There's a reason I only fill up 3 times a month. I only work 8 minutes from my house, however my wage isn't that much, and since I'm up to my gizzard in debt, I can't afford the extra cash for gas. If I worked at the mall which was 20 + miles from home, I think I would have just killed myself, because it wouldn't be worth what I was being paid versus what I had to pay to get there.
~ I don't quite understand a person who sends a random email and then won't respond to the one I sent. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU, PH!
~ Need to get Bootsie to the vet for her shots. That's another $50 I don't have, but thankfully August is a 5 week month which means...an extra paycheck next month! Woot!
~ Made the arrangements for the rental car for my trip to Canton, OH to see my brother in 2 weeks.
~ Just realized, I haven't read book 5 in the Harry Potter series, but I've read book 6. Uh. Not sure how that happened. Not sure I care about reading 5 or 7 anymore. I'm heartily sick of Harry Potter.
I will say though that if I were 18 again I would so have the hots for the little redhead that plays Ron Weasley in the films. He's such a cute kid.
~ There is much stuff that is needed for the house...new tv stand...area rug for the computer room....new comforter set for my bedroom and I haven't a clue how I'm going to wangle it all in the coming months, as shortly after my vacations wrap up (assuming I go on one), I have 3 birthdays that are family to worry about and at least 1 other birthday and Christmas. ARGH!
~ I think I prefer walking to strength training. Why? Because its so damn hard to get your cardio on whenever all the elliptical machines are being used, and I hate the treadmill.
Cartoon Saturday
16 hours ago
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