Walking was a cathartic thing for me. Anything that was wrong in my life could be hashed out in my head during a nice 2 mile walk. Well I walked 5 miles today and I was near tears the whole time.
My mind is stuck on two things, a certain person who should be flushed down the toilet and finances. Thinking about both brings about a fresh bout of tears, and with the right song, I'm a watering pot.
I keep telling myself I'm fine. The finances are working themselves out, slowly but surely without too many sacrifices. I also tell myself that I've gone 2 weeks without turning on 99.3 The Pickle, which means I haven't heard Fish...erm He-who-should-be-flushed-down-the-toilet, in 2 weeks. No I lie, my CD player conked out the other day and I popped it out in time to hear one of his commercials. I growled at the radio like the immature child that I am, and shut the car stereo off.
Anyway what does it matter that I have no extra money and I live from pay check to pay check, just barely, and the one person that I truly hoped would be at least a friend has flung that back in my face?
Money and friendship don't matter, right?
Damn it all, I'm one depressed little girl right now.
Cartoon Saturday
16 hours ago
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