It's dejunking time again my friends. I stare at my entertainment center and know that in a month or two I'll be taking the monstrosity down and burning it for firewood. So I'm going through VHS tapes that I have that I don't watch and I'll be tossing them.
I wish I could unload some of my odd movies that I've accumulated over the years. I could use the extra cash, and well, I never watch them. Heck I don't watch my dvds, mostly because I have the attention span of warm cellophane.
I have plans of buying a nice small stand for my tv/vcr/dvd player. My stereo doesn't need a home, because I think in the long run, the Stereo may be getting junked too. The tape player is broke and I don't use the CD player much and when I do it's hyper sensitive.
I just need to find a good spot for my knick-knacks. The top of my entertainment center is where all my shot glasses reside, as well as my Nightmare Before Christmas snow globes and other odd memorabilia. These things will have to find a new home when I get the new stand.
So in an attempt to live up to the girl scout motto, as I once was a scout, I'm going to be prepared and start clearing crap now. I'm also going to go through the closets again and see if I can make a donation to good will.
That should keep my weekend full.
Cartoon Saturday
16 hours ago
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