What type of music do you find to be the best to sleep to?
Perhaps the next question is the better one. When I'm sleepy I can conk out to just about anything. Though I have to say, if I have any preferences they would be artists like Grey Eye Glances, Julia Fordham, The Moody Blues, and my special Elvis Costello sleep mix CD.
Is there any kind of music that you absolutely can't fall asleep to?
Not really if you go by genre etc. I think I've fallen asleep to Def Leppard and Poison a few times. (Scary, I know) What usually keeps me awake are those songs that make me think. Not about topics, mind you, but about situations and people. I have a lot of songs that will do that, so I have to make sure they don't make it on a mix CD that I'll play at night when I'm about to go to bed, or I'll be up all night, fretting over something I can't do a damn thing about.
If anyone artist could sing you to sleep who would it be and what would they sing to you?
Ah..so many voices...so many songs...so many answers that would have nothing to do with them singing me to sleep, but rather getting into bed with me after they were done with their song.
I wouldn't mind Elvis Costello showing up to sing Long Journey Home to me. That would be truly Heavenly.

He cold also sing anything from this CD

because it would be a given to put me straight to sleep.
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