Damn it. It's been a week. I've distanced myself from someone. Why? Because I know that they don't care. It's a good thing. Right? I've tuned into another station when the boss has turned the radio on at work, but mostly I've maintained radio silence.
Truth be told, he wasn't on my mind much this week. I was convincing myself that he was forgotten. Just a little bit of stupidity that kept me amused for a few months. An innocent diversion, if you will.
Not the case.
My subconscious rebelled last night, in the form of a dream. I hate dreams, because all in all they seem so real and when I wake up I'm almost always feeling let down. This was no exception.
I dreamed my cell phone was ringing and when I answered it was said person who shall be now known as he-who-should-be-flushed-down-the-toilet. He was arguing with me because "I" was ignoring him. I was arguing with him that he didn't answer mine anymore either so it didn't matter.
I don't know if there was any resolution to this in the dream because I woke up then. All I know is that someone that I was working my way to forgetting is back in my head. Please make him go away.
Cartoon Saturday
16 hours ago
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