I can usually tell approximately when I made a mix by the songs on the disc. This one was made sometime between March and May of last year.
How do I know this?
Well, the first song is Lost In The Stars by Martin Gore, which is from his Counterfeit 2 CD that was out last year. So that dates it to at least spring of last year.
Another clue that it isn't recent?
Nick Lowe is on it and the Moody Blues aren't.
And believe it or not, before last April or May, the Moody Blues weren't much on my mind, and hadn't been since about 1989.
Here's another shocking tidbit: Up until last year I only knew 4 Moody Blues songs.
Your Wildest Dreams
I Know You're Out There Something
The Other Side Of Life
Nights In White Satin (which traumatized me, as I've mentioned over and over)
Back to Nick Lowe for a minute. He's one of those artists that I would have really become obsessed with if the Moody Blues hadn't popped back into my life when they did. I'm still trying to get several of his discs, and they are rather expensive.
This mix also has quite a mesh of weird 80's tunes like the Kinks - Come Dancing and Peter Gabriel - Games Without Frontiers. These are songs that I discovered through Vh-1 Classic, which I didn't get til, you guessed it, spring of last year. (See there's a method to my madness)
It's been ages since I wanted to listen to Boingo's Insanity, and yet it was one of the first songs on the mix. (This song being on the mix is kinda odd since Boingo was a band that I lost interest in when Elvis Costello came back into my life in late 2001) I wonder why I put that song on the mix, and the live version at that, from Farewell? Hmmmm.
See I go through spurts with bands, as I've probably said countless times. (And having had Boingo on the brain for 2 years, in 2002 it was time for them to go away) I spent loads of time devoted to a band and then they fade away, usually to come back and haunt me at a later date.
Most of the bands I'm into now, had been in my life before. I like to say that my musical favorites go into remission only to come back in an unusually aggressive manner a few years later.
Before 2001, I only owned 2 Elvis Costello CDs, Spike and the Ryko Disc Greatest Hits. Now, we won't even discuss the number of discs I have. I was fairly lucky when it came to Oingo Boingo, because I had all their CDS back in the early 90's when a high school boyfriend got me into them. I only had to track down a few zillion film scores that Danny Elfman had done. (and pick up some oddities on vinyl and promo discs)
So I imagine at some point, Nick Lowe will be front and forward again. Lord knows he deserves to be. Though I don't know if the Moody Blues could be ousted anytime soon, because even though some members of the band make me rip roaring mad, I can't stop loving them.
It's been fun to listen too, just for the ecclectic nature of the songs I chose.
Now I think I need a little Moody Blues to stablize myself after the shock of that mix.
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